Well, friends, our roads often present us with detours and dead-ends. So, we should be persistent, filled with fortitude, and overcome. Persevere, tenacious, bold as a lion.

Looks like my book project is changing. For the first time ever, I have commenced on two writing projects (besides the four manuscripts already on the shelf being paused). Not to let the year or more of research and study and writing be for naught on one of the books (roughly six hours a day at least, including weekends; which wouldn’t account for the nighttime hours and lost sleep when I thought of ideas…and the very limited amount of television and extra-curriculars I have participated in), things may be changing. Or altered, to an extent. ‘The Book of James,’ which now will not be, has become, “Vanished: Lost and Broken: subtitle The Transformation of Grief and Death.” The second, “The Strong-Willed Parent: Taming the Tongue.” Many great resources, ordered a few earlier: ‘The explosive mama’ and one by Dobson. Began rereading Lisa TerKeurst, ‘Uninvited’, this morning. Many great points to expound on. I have obtained many texts, emails, and quotations from insightful subjects and am delighted to share these.

One paragraph from the second book project:  “When the words we hear for whatever reason give us the feeling that we are not accepted, the sense that others do not want us in their world also comes about. The lie that we are not worthy stems from this unacceptance. Self-rejection originates from our feelings of not being worthy. This produces suspicion, doubt, hesitancy, plus other liabilities hindering great relationships.  ‘Rejection steals the best of who I am by reinforcing the worst of what’s been said to me.” (TerKeurst, 9)

Thankful for the doors God has opened.

Began considering to get a PhD in brain injury studies.  Many projects are out there.  Would this give my books more credence?  Or just continue as is? Thinking it might be too much work.


It is happening.
What is happening?
It is.
Good stuff
Bad stuff
We like good stuff
Good stuff is happening
A lot of it
A little bad stuff
It is
A little
A teency, weency little
Mostly good stuff

Excellent visiting with my cousin and husband recently. Had fun recollecting our life journeys and experiences. They shared the joys of parenting, numerous strategies, tricks, and pitfalls to avoid. They helped me envision another book project several years down the road. After the autism book, mitochondrial disease, brain injury/PTSD, and The Bahamas. May not necessarily be written in that order but already an interested publisher.

I am on the 12th edit/revision stage of The Book of James. Some say too much editing, but still so much I have missed. Sounds like Debby and Jim are doing well. As pleased as punch when they received a copy of the 11th manuscript. Don’t tell, but sounds like Mr. Jim is wanting some more golf lessons. Planning to tee it up before long with him….hope I don’t scalp him. Told him my winter rates apply.