Don’t think I had been to Cold Stone before. Loved it, especially bumping into a sweet lady there, who offered to be a proofreader of the manuscript for me one day. Turns out Happy works in the local schools. Called her Happy because she made me happy. Didn’t realize such caliber of quality Christian women existed. Phenomenal having met her. The Spirit is moving, she is a sister in Christ. One day together forever. Will you be with us? Hope ya’ll sense it too. The end is near. I point that out over and over in The Book of James….make your decision for the Lord. Believe and receive, baby. One day you will not have a choice.

Well, after Cold Stone, it got chilly. Chili’s. Eatin’ good in the neighborhood, or is that Applebees? Much more progress with the book. Remarkable improvements. Left because of inadequate lighting.

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