
Questions I have:

I. Define
II. History and how you got started
III. Improvements permanent?
IV. Carry ball for the rest of your life?
V. Will client ever regress or will spasticity return?
VI. Cost? Irrelevant

VII. Tenets
A. New neural pathways created between the brain and the arm
B. Got to want it, fight hard for it, it’s a long process
C. “Like walking from FL to NY”
D. Brain injury: if I don’t keep up with everything you teach me every day of my life. . .got to keep at it every day.
E. Keep stretching your hand and moving your fingers
F. Retrain your brain
G. Processing cognitively
H. Brain games, find correct correlation
I. End result: “Wow, I can control my fingers”
J. One day, be able to build your own filters and things will be less distracting
K. Hardest journey you’ve ever taken
L. But would take (his) current self any day of the year over who (he) was five minutes before (his) (motorcycle) wreck

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