‘Why do bad things happen to good people?’ we often wonder. In reality, it only happened once. Only one good person. Think about it.

You don’t know how well off you have it until you look around and see someone else struggling and worse off.

Been mentoring a few people. One in particular, pray for this one, a dear friend of mine from Ohio. Terminal cancer. If you read this, please pray. Erica’s life expectancy 5-10 years. Honestly, we don’t know if the world will last that long, if God won’t return before then, but think of this one. That’s a real blow. Praying for salvation, first of all. That God would author the spiritual miracle, then medical. Funny thing, wouldn’t be miracles to Him, just God being God. I’m praying strength and provision for Erica’s sister. An awful marriage situation that ended badly. Or actually in God’s will, just the way it should have because this, RIGHT NOW, is what God wants. I believe He wants us where we are presently so we will grow and learn from Him. May this one and all of us meditate on Genesis 22.14. Yahweh Yireh, THE LORD SHALL PROVIDE. Proverbs 3.5-6. John 14.6.

Thank You, Jesus. Sustain us.

Recently been visited by an astute mind. Haven’t heard all this aspiring author’s story, we may link up and attempt to better one another one day. Sounds like she has been attacked by some unfortunate circumstances in her life. Am crazy busy now yet may try to help get her experiences in print. Maybe a movie one day? From what she has said, fixing to be exciting. “Living in the front” is the theme she gave me; or the website; or the book title. One day at a time, one moment at a time. Patience. Can’t wait to see what develops. Thought of this title, should we choose to go for it: Allie’s Maladies.

Be still, Oh Lord. In the stillness, You are there. Appreciate recharging each morning at Subway, have some excellent thoughts there. Looks like I’m about halfway through the manuscript on this eighth edit on seven printed copies. This manuscript broke my laser printer, too. Two for two, one had broken with debut book. Seems I’m creating a little community interest in The Book of James. Definitely getting the word out. Like Debby says, we need to educate people what is up with brain injuries. May be having dinner soon with a friend of mine, Pam. Seems she is excited to learn about the projects. What up, doc? Or like we said in college, Word up? A lot. 95,301 words.

Don’t think I had been to Cold Stone before. Loved it, especially bumping into a sweet lady there, who offered to be a proofreader of the manuscript for me one day. Turns out Happy works in the local schools. Called her Happy because she made me happy. Didn’t realize such caliber of quality Christian women existed. Phenomenal having met her. The Spirit is moving, she is a sister in Christ. One day together forever. Will you be with us? Hope ya’ll sense it too. The end is near. I point that out over and over in The Book of James….make your decision for the Lord. Believe and receive, baby. One day you will not have a choice.

Well, after Cold Stone, it got chilly. Chili’s. Eatin’ good in the neighborhood, or is that Applebees? Much more progress with the book. Remarkable improvements. Left because of inadequate lighting.

Please remember the Clary family today. Very saddening, this the day of James’ birth in 1978. The grief had been subsiding a little, but this day of pain maddening.

Finally finished the manuscript’s seventh edit today. Need a day or two of break to rest before inputting the changes into the computer. Still hope to use my friend’s comments from yesterday.

Needing encouragement and prayer like never before. Please pray for my friend, Debby Clary, the mother of James, Jr., the subject of my book. Born in 1978, his birthday was tomorrow, October 6. These are rough moments. Prayers appreciated.

What a good word today: Jesus is alive. Don’t you feel Him? His return is so close. Just like my message in THE BOOK OF JAMES, don’t be one day too late turning your life around. The day of salvation is today.

Good, good progress on the book. Still doing the 8th edit onto the 7th printed manuscript, if that makes sense. Makes cents two me. Still feeling God’s presence each moment as I sit down and work on it. Not me. Christ in me.

A friend of mine in the area- I’ll refer to her as Karla- sent me some messages. Posting because I think it’s a breath of fresh air for all of us:

‘Glad you found a way to reconcile with tragedy and move forward with growth and character development. What the enemy meant for evil, God will turn for good….the Lord isn’t finished with you yet. He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion.’

Applicable, I do believe, to each and every one of us. If I can squeeze some of that in the final chapters of the book, I will.