I appreciate it when people inquire about the book I am writing. Whether their questions of “When will it be done?” are feigned interest, a talking point, or genuine care and curiosity, I thought about outlining the steps remaining for me onĀ The Book of James and directing future questions to the website.
1. Am on my 27th edit (probably twelfth print) currently, going over the manuscript and noting additional words or things I have overlooked
2. Will keep doing that and editing until thoroughly satisfied
3. Often am asked if I have a deadline. Yes, very soon.
4. Need to return to California: more filmed interviews, questions for the family, community members, the children’s journals, etc.
5. See if they are pleased with what I have put together
6. (Maybe to occur after step two), meeting with Andria from church for guidance from her
7. Continually refining
8. Travel to see my new friend in Ohio who will really assist in getting the book polished and ready to go
9. Choose publishing companies; have two or three contracts now
10. Submit to publisher
11. They will review the book
12. After re-submission with corrections, need to choose a book cover
13. Approve page/chapter layout.
14. On and on
15. Finally….ASAP but likely years later, a finished product, the testimony of my friend, James
It is getting real, more so by the day. Hours upon hours of continually poring over and refining the manuscript, ‘The Book of James.’ So happy at the Christmas program last night to discuss the project with various folks. Two kind gentlemen actually laid their hands on me and prayed. It doesn’t seem like it but may become a quality book. Never forget. This originated at the expense of one man’s life. One of the theses of the book contends that each moment of your life contributes to the legacy you are leaving behind.
I am filled with honor and gratitude to have made contact through another online forum with an attorney up North. Interesting…she resides near the city of my birth. It turns out my new friend is a writer and has offered to be the editor of the book. So thankful. Need all the help I can get. Up till now, those who have said they would assist have failed me.
Ecstatic. I printed the 26th edition last Saturday; as well as a copy for Andria, my local church friend who may help guide me. So excited about what lies ahead. And for the time and capacity to do this.
At Staples this morning I made a copy of my book for Andria, my friend from church who’s going to help me edit in January or soon. Took a long time, Staci that worked there was so friendly. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a gal picking up business cards for her roofing company. Well, Hannah began a conversation with me. First, that they could come give my roof an inspection post-Ian. How wonderful, before the summer rains next year. Then I briefed her on my writing projects. How cool was that, to find one not only quite interested, but also a believer and also from my church. She read a few pages of The Book of James when it was finished being printed and seemed impressed. She shared the story of a co-worker’s dealing with a brain injury or one in his family. Wow, my heart goes out. Trust, pray, and seek God for a miracle; for His will to be done. So we’ll see what God does from our “coincidental” meeting today (Romans 8.28). Love all, serve all.
Never would have thought
Miracle after miracle
Struggle upon struggle
Separated, reconciled
Stronger together
Jesus- leader, mender, healer
Fusing hearts
Joining lives
Walking by faith
Living by grace
Leading hopefully
Trusting wholly
Thy will be done
Omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient
Yahweh Yireh
Jehovah Jireh
Our healer
Touched by grace
Never would have thought
In a relationship, you need commitment. In a marriage, you need commitment. Where two friends are inseparably joined, you need commitment. Commitment to stick with always….come what may. Commitment through thick and thin, to stay. In sickness and health, regardless one’s state of mind or mental capacity or capability, the resolve to stick it out. The resolve to persist. The resolve to cherish and honor. The resolve to honor that commitment you have made. Such commitment would be till death do you part. Even when times get rough.
This paragraph on commitment came from my heart but very well could encapsulate one of the themes of The Book of James.
What a privilege. A good friend is a good friend is a good friend. Well, a good friend yesterday introduced me to one of her friends. Captivating. We will see what we will see.
Only those who have survived or cared for those with brain trauma truly understand what we are going through. Miss Debby, Sacramento, for instance. Enter my new friend, Tasha. How wonderful and touching to hear her story from Baton Rouge. So encouraging her persistence and diligence. She is doing it and raising five beautiful children single-handedly. Can’t wait to meet her very soon. She will help greatly with TBOJ. We talked about a book project of her own one day.
Another day, another blessing. So happy for the time to edit the book this morning. Intriguing the amount of “power” some may think they have over you. They insensitively opine about your … whatever. In a case recently, one made an incendiary comment about my book in the works without reading it; only a few paragraphs. But they could’ve done better. I appreciate that knowledge lol.
So happy to talk to others about my project, share my enthusiasm for ‘The Book of James” or my debut project, and receive positive feedback. One today was a fellow Buckeye, Sara. (O-H). Gonna be a good game. What up, Georgia? LOL Georgia has a tough team. Go get em cowboy. A few sentences from the book I am working on: “Grief is a lonely process. It feels like nobody understands. Only those who have walked this road will never forget their feelings or experiences. ‘Grieving is aboutĀ about how we feel on the inside due to what has happened in our life. If one is allowed to truly feel- to grieve, this will lead to mourning….mourning is grief gone public.’ (Biagioni)”
Crazy busy meticulously going through editing for the 25th time my 422-page manuscript, The Book of James: the Brain Injury, Life, and Legacy of James Clary, Jr. Some friends wonder why I am putting in so much time on the book. Well, with the brain injury myself, my slower thought processing and organizational skills, my errors or things I overlook or think could sound better, combined with my short-term memory (each day it’s like new; I read it and go ‘Wow’….small things impress myself lol), I must devote as much time and effort as possible. Have had a number of good meetings lately and promo events and presentations. One most recently in St. Petersburg, besides keeping my friends at Subway updated where I work/write every morning. Today I told them a bit about neurofatigue and social isolation (which I define in the book); things they hadn’t thought of. Things most probably do not consider. I have been discussing my writing projects lately with several people online. That, and the social media exposure we’ll get and can promote, is going to be huge. It’s sad some folks are inconsiderate and do not want to be bothered by my passion or learning about brain injury. One female’s insensitivity today insulted me. Threatened to report me. Are you kidding? Freedom of speech. I happen to be fairly astute. Slow but not stupid lol. Or maybe this “friend”, how I initially labeled her on this blog- as a “friend”- has a point and we cannot talk freely on our own personal blogs and websites. She said she was NOT my ‘friend.’ Alrighty then. Feel free to chime in. That right there is the purpose of the book I am writing. We want to enlighten people so they would not be insensitive, ignorant, apathetic, uninformed in regard to brain injury. Seems an attorney would know of the ADA. This website is my “business” and promotes my work. Not for personal gain….I do not write to profit; just to increase my and others’ knowledge base. Are we not entitled to that? Seems that to discriminate based on personal feelings would be prejudicial. What about freedom of speech? I hope I am not incorrect the way I am seeing it. I am attempting to get the book as good as possible before returning to Sacramento to see Jim and Debby and family; and the interviews; and meeting the filmmaker; and probably some more golf with Mr. Jim. One-armed man likes to school him on the golf course. lol