When the day began, I was lovin’ it. Minimal sleep last night beside the point, but got recharged at McDonald’s. That’s why I was lovin’ it:) Had a few errands to take care of this morning. Will have to remember to contact Harmon’s Photography tomorrow for two spare dvd’s. Making one, then copies, of my accident video. Don’t know what happened to the one from Ohio I’d had done. Oh well. A little after 12 today, Randy Curro, came. Did quite a bit of talking, had great stories, great ideas. Very impressed by the strides I’d made this week in his program. Hopefully we’ll get my friend interested, BL. He did make us an offer. A shame more people did not teach neuroplasticity, I told him. Oh well. Hopefully we’ll help promote the program in the new book we’re doing in the works. Ran some errands this afternoon. Time almost to go to a favorite beach area/lookout spot on the river but didn’t make it. Some great ideas came to mind moments ago for my friend battling throbbing headaches.

No, not necessarily a ‘writing’ post but she is one of my case studies for next writing project. So that may legitimize it. Won’t say her name again b/c of confidentiality. We have so much in common- our brain injury tendencies- love being with her. Whereas I’m 32 years removed, she’s only one half year post-trauma. In a sense, like a ‘been there, done that’ thing, but thinking my situation pales in comparison to hers. Grateful to help her in any way possible. Trying to offer as much love and support as I received growing up. We are tremendously thankful. (Killer insights this morning to share with her pp. 37, 38 from one of my books.) We’re doing a few things next week. Looking forward to that. The developing plot- it’s complicated- may be used in an upcoming book I’m working on. Unless we do a memoir of her life. Not sure she wants to go that route, though.

To Andrew’s soccer game this afternoon and sat by local author, Angelina Assanti. Discussed our books and how sales and promotion were going. She gave me some good ideas to think about and other sales opportunities. Wonderful visit. Don’t know how she does it. Like most of us, and the crazy hours, I guess. Last night had her writing wheels turning and ideas until 2 in the morning. Relieved that I don’t have the late, night-owl, very tired, but full of ideas syndrome alone.

Very very busy lately. Got paper faxed at Staple’s to Tate, content approval form or something, to proceed with interior layout of new book. Even my friend there, Michelle, very excited, too. Then a work-lunch at Subway, sorting through another pile of research. Contacted my other friend, we made plans for tomorrow. Very fun, think we’re going to see movie, “Concussion.” May be quite applicable for us.

Good doctors take plastic (credit cards). HealthyWorkingMinds.com (Randy _______), in my mind, may be better, and took nothing. No, not free. Accepted an I.O.U. as we were out of checks. Unbelievable progress today. Spent less than half of our time together on the occupational/physical therapy side. Results nothing less than astonishing. All about relaxing my wrist. Don’t want to steal too much of his thunder. The next book I’m working on, have a publisher and all that, very exciting. I’ve started to formalize the chapters and lay some of the foundation, or development. An entire section, I believe, will be devoted to his groundbreaking science/work in Neuroplasticity. Excited to find out all I can and implement in my own life. Never thought further recovery was possible at this point. He’s helping retrain my brain cognitively and relearn specific muscle, tendon, and motor control. Installed a program for me on my computer, Brain Games. May try some techniques to assist my walking. Right now, also, focusing on perceptual improvements; namely, balance.

Hooray, hooray
It’s neuroplasticity day
A lot of thinking
A lot of concentrating
All to get better, I say.

Round two this afternoon with the neuroplasticity guy. Admonished yesterday to keep at it, give it my full focus. Being exponentially enthused by the ability to play the piano again- slowly- but with both hands, I guess I will keep at it. That is only after a few week’s work with the ‘brain’ squeeze toy he gave me. Besides, do not want to compromise his and its role in my upcoming PTSD book. His testimony and discussion of neuroplasticity will not soon be forgotten. Excited to be able to do the neuroplasticity, will just have to keep plugging away at it. Hoping I can find the time to daily practice these things in the midst of family life. Nothing good in life comes easily, this I know.

Want to throw out a prayer for another friend of mine. Going through many battles: a TBI whose full effects have not yet been realized; financial situations; being shuffled from physician to physician; and many more. Would gladly be there for her and help in any way. Her choice remains to be seen.

It’s a tree, it’s a flying branch, it’s Aluminum man. Fabulous conversation yesterday at the park who’s giving me a quote on installing our hurricane shutters. Maybe the ‘H’ word is bad here. Rolando Ramirez and his company will look at our situation soon.

We exchanged stories. Seemed they were interested in what we’d been through and found it fascinating. Long story short, they got one of our books. He had a similar take on things happening for a reason. In short, nothing but the grace of God. (A shout out to Dana for getting me a TATTOO last week (Romans 8.28). Just one so far, envisioning more.)

More from Rolando. . .had gotten a call from his brother who had been doing construction work up on a 15-20 foot roof. Happened to have fallen off, smacked his head hard on the concrete. Went to the hospital, full catscan…..NO INJURIES. How about them apples? Same day Rolando got a call from his buddy. Had been a semi-truck driver, jumped out and landed on his feet, but tore several ligaments and had to have surgery on his knee.

Puts things in perspective.