Had been wanting to share this publicly, but maybe on this website it will be less seen and less likely to be perceived in a negative light. Maybe the gentleman will not even see this post. First, I am grateful for life, for the opportunity to be an author, and to experience the blessings God has provided me. This last week I got a product from a friend on a local swap website. Turned out the dear fellow was in a wheelchair with other problems I will not mention. One of my favorite sayings: you don’t realize what you have, the blessings you have been gifted with, until you look around and see someone less fortunate. The Lord be praised.

On another note, the second edition of my debut book is still at the publisher. In the meantime, besides doing more research for my second book which also has to do with brain injury, I’m working on a medical project. This book is on a saddening subject and has to do with Mitochondrial Disease.

Very busy the last few days. The Mitochondrial Disease book project I’d been working on had been on the shelf for more than a year. While I wait for the second edition at the publisher to get done, and in the midst of my other brain injury research, decided to resurrect it a few days back. Between the three or four days, spent upwards of 20-25 hours on it. The lady with whom I’d been doing the “memoir” on had to drop out, so definitely a different story line. Now a completely different take, one mostly from a medical point of view. Hoping to include a few case studies.