Met the lady of my dreams today, Suzette. That’s because she was the boss at Subway and made me a deal lol. Love going there and working. Or writing. Or eating. Or socializing.

Such an encouragement at lunch. My waitress, Miss Krista, was a breath of fresh air. Had originally gone to ‘Steve’s Place’ to work and study. In between all she did, however, she inquired about all my projects. Especially interested in ‘The Book of James.’ Back to work lol

Subway….I’m lovin’ it lol. Great talk this afternoon with Shawn. We encouraged each other, remarkable where you can find new friends. Turns out his wife is an experienced editor and seasoned writer. They may be interested in my book projects. Hopefully we can get together soon. Wouldn’t it be nice if Candyce can help me edit and somehow we help her get published. If only publishers could read this and contact me: she has an excellent story.

If I were any better today, I would be triplets lol. Such an encouraging visit last week with Jim and Debby. So, so helpful. Jim and I had fun golfing. Thinks he’s got game, ha. Hadn’t seen one-handed man play in a while. Fun memories. Took part in a medical mission.

Hours upon hours thinking and editing; maybe it’s more thinking about editing. No, Debby’s a slave-driver. Keeping me reminded about all the deadlines. Very good work lately, today in particular, on the SIXTH draft. Appreciate the help and thoughts and insight of several friends. You never know how valuable somebody is until you need them. Been texting my editor in Arkansas, not sure what’s up there. Get -er done. Yeah, baby, we will.