Long day, been up working and editing since 4.30 a.m. Finally completed the last 150 pages by 2 pm after church this morning. Sent the manuscript to Staples to be printed. Also I formulated a single-spaced copy for Jim and Debby when I see them in a few weeks. Getting better each time. Been talking to a fine friend in Bucyrus, Ohio (who would’ve thunk?). Keeping her updated on my progress. Also at church today, several ladies had talked to me about helping their friends or relatives with a TBI. Small world. Opportunities everywhere. As I say in the book, every nine seconds a brain injury occurs. Be careful.

Becoming fast friends with a nurse in the area. The sky is the limit: we’ll see, said the blind man. She is the definition of empathy, not apathy. The Queen of compassion. It’s too bad we’re just meeting now….good in a way, after all the other stuff previously.

Reconnected with a high school buddy this week. Sounded glad to have learned about my debut book. She ordered it from Amazon and she’s anticipating reading it. Van Buren Black Knights lol

Plenty of work and research today, then more revisions on ‘The Book of James.’ Entering the warm waters of the hot tub this evening found me in a conversation with a friend. Turns out my friend has a friend who underwent traumatic experiences herself that may be lacking proper social outlets and struggling. Hope I can help her. Some survivors feel so alone and isolated. Please say a prayer for her.

What a week it has been for Dr. Benny. ‘The Book of James’ looking good. Still finding things to edit on what will be my 13th revised copy of the manuscript. Checking out if I have some quotes quoted as they should be quoted lol. The right words. Because I did find many revisions in my various Bible translations. A very dear friend of mind, Lisa, has offered to assist in the editing before it goes to the official editor. Attempting to clean up as much as possible.

Also doing the devotional daily, seem to be making some good strides. And the parenting book, the referendum for all of us, I believe, is coming along. Has yielded excellent research.

Shave and a haircut, two bits. JK Money gone, because I go to Subway almost every morning where they let me work and sometimes eat. Spending 3-5 hours/day there. Usually hear about it if not there by 6.45 a.m.

Love the song. Thank you, Newsboys. Playing right now on YouTube, more encouraged by the moment. Listen to the lyrics: a message to us.

After a week’s break on The Book of James, though a new book starting to be envisioned and continually working on the devotional, back on track at last. Long live TBOJ. Amazed to consider the opportunities before us. Out of nowhere, almost ex nihilo, has come a new and very dear friend. An author herself, Lisa has offered to assist with the book. So excited to see what develops. Her heart is wonderful. Happens to have a PhD in TBI or trauma; she knows what is up. God is so good.

1. “relationships change with our adult children when (they get older). How do we give advice- should we? Most grandparents are caught in a dilemma of helping two generations without being judgmental or overly intrusive.” (11)
2. “parents…face many common struggles in seeking to relate positively to our adult children while at the same time maintaining our own mental and spiritual health” (12)
3. “‘The choice to be a parent is the choice to have your heart walking around outside your body as long as you live.’ (Anonymous) You are concerned because they are a part of you. The question is, ‘How do I channel my concern?’” (Campbell, Chapman) (12)
4. “‘traditional’ family diminished in importance as our culture became more mobile and diverse.” (16)
5. “There are roles that parents can and should play in the lives of their adult children….we need to better understand our grown sons and daughters.” (17)
6. “great numbers of well-trained young people are looking for fewer and fewer high-paying positions.” (17)
7. “Today’s young people have a different idea of what constitutes ‘the good life.’” (18)
8. “In asking for parental help, they seem to be saying, ‘I need more from you, Mom and Dad.’” (18)
9. “an expectation that Mom and Dad will fund portions of their lives.” (18)
10. “long time to grow up….maturing more slowly; we watch some of them beginning to take responsibility for their lives around age thirty.” (20)
11. “creating a new phase of life between dependent childhood and independent adulthood.” (21)
12. “These differing viewpoints would not be so conflict-producing if our expectations were only for our own lives; but when our expectations lean on our children and seem to create pressures for them, trouble is just around the corner.” (21)
13. “As one father said some years ago, ‘I thought that when the kids were grown, they would take care of themselves, but that isn’t the case. When they marry and have children, my wife and I have that many more people to take care of.’” (22)
14. “a level of emotional dependence he hadn’t expected.” (22)
15. “Parents also find themselves in confrontations with their adult children over dashed expectations.” (22)
16. “We still have many parents and children who work through and enjoy their new relationships as the child becomes an adult.” (22)
17. “Like you, your children care about their future, and they are wrestling to know what to do.” (22-23)

Takeaway points, “How to really love your adult child,” Drs. Gary Chapman and Ross Campbell. (Chapter one)

Can’t wait…this next book I have started will be good, also! Plenty of good research.


Yippee! Things coming together. Kelly is really going to help me. I appreciate her eyes and help…don’t know what I’m doing either. Suggests me totally removing myself from the manuscript once I finish editing the final 85 pages and typing the revisions into the document. May be hard to do, but I’ll try. May start reading for my other book projects- they take so long start to finish anyway (3-5 years minimum): Autism, Strong-Willed Parent, or The Bahamas. But not to bother with the other manuscripts nearly finished, Mitochondrial disease, Brain injury/PTSD, or the other one.

Progress is made if you progress. Persistency, consistency, tenacity. Who said “break time”? Not a bit. Always on my mind, ‘The Book of James: The Brain Injury, Life, and Legacy of James Clary, Jr.’ Got home from Subway, where I work 3-5 hours in the morning on it. As far as I know, the others I have written about in the past who have offered to help me have slipped away or we’ve lost touch for some reason.

Having dinner with my proofreader, Miss Kelly. Seemed interested to know the plot of the book. She is going to be a huge help, I see it already. Apparently some knowledge of brain injury, made a few remarks. Looking forward to her feedback.