It is getting real, more so by the day. Hours upon hours of continually poring over and refining the manuscript, ‘The Book of James.’ So happy at the Christmas program last night to discuss the project with various folks. Two kind gentlemen actually laid their hands on me and prayed. It doesn’t seem like it but may become a quality book. Never forget. This originated at the expense of one man’s life. One of the theses of the book contends that each moment of your life contributes to the legacy you are leaving behind.

I am filled with honor and gratitude to have made contact through another online forum with an attorney up North. Interesting…she resides near the city of my birth. It turns out my new friend is a writer and has offered to be the editor of the book. So thankful. Need all the help I can get. Up till now, those who have said they would assist have failed me.

Ecstatic. I printed the 26th edition last Saturday; as well as a copy for Andria, my local church friend who may help guide me. So excited about what lies ahead. And for the time and capacity to do this.

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